The Leaky Pipeline
The Science Influencers program is driven by a need to repair the leaky pipeline in science communication, including lack of formal science communication programming (Brownell et al., 2013); minimal transparency between scientists and the public (Lyon, 2016); lack of communications skills training, including but not limited to oral, written and visual dissemination (Brownell et al., 2013); inappropriate selection of communications channels and poor message framing (Nisbet & Sheufele, 2009); limited content knowledge in STEM and related disciplines (Broome & Goldman, 2014); and public trust in science has plateaued (Nisbet & Markowitz, 2016).

Dr. Gary Wingenbach
Professor and Project Co-DirectorRepairing the Leaky Pipeline: The Science Influencers Model
The Science Influencers program integrates integrates research, education, and extension experiences for undergraduates to provide formal science communication programming that focuses on developing students’ communication and trust-building skills within their context of study. The program does this through
- Integrated REEU experiences to produce influential science communicators.
- Experiential learning in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Sciences.
- Rigorous communications experiences in research and Extension.
- Engaging research and Extension mentors in STEM and FANH sciences.
- Active internships that combines technical knowledge and communications.
- Public research symposium.
- Research, study abroad and/or regional or national conferences.
- Professional and leadership skills development.