Hope Bigbee is a junior Nutrition major from Austin, Texas, who enjoys creative hobbies like cooking, baking, art, photography, and piano. She is currently in the dietetics program at Texas A&M, with hopes to eventually earn a master’s degree in counseling or psychology so that she can become a registered dietician.
Hope has been volunteering in a lab on the Texas A&M campus. According to her, the lab focuses on nutrition related to vision and brain cognition. “The nutrition-focused studies our lab has been doing look at specific foods or nutrients and how they affect cognitive performance using a program called neurotracker,” Hope explains. “We recently finished assisting another lab in a study that looked at mango’s effect on adolescent’s cognitive performance, and we’re currently doing a study that looks at lutein, zeaxanthin, and fish oil in adults.” Later this year, Hope says that her lab will also “begin the second part of a study that looks at dairy intake related to esports performance.”